Sunday, May 21, 2006

Thursday evening - John Corbett Band in downtown Ft. Worth.

Friday evening - bbq at home of FWC family, score Colonial tickets.

Saturday day - Colonial with friend. Like golf somewhat better. Eat in CBS Hospitality room.

Saturday evening - eat at Babe's Chicken House in Roanoke, Texas. Waitress approaches table with one question. Fried chicken or chicken fried steak. We chose a little of both. Sides are standard and they are biscuits, cream corn, mashed potatoes, salad.

Sunday day - church and mexican food with friends from here and from College Station, nap.

Sunday evening - Baccaulaureate and laying on the couch eating Vanilla Wafers with a Diet Coke with my wife watching C.S.I.


Blogger Joyce B. said...

Please take me to Babe's Chicken House!

12:50 AM  

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