Sunday, September 09, 2007

This weekend, my oldest son, Caleb, and I drove to College Station, Texas, to visit friends and attend the Texas A&M vs. Fresno State game at Kyle Field beginning at 2:30.

About the game:

It was hot, and we were in the shade.
Slovacek sausage in a sesame seed bun shaped like the traditional hot dog bun did wonders.
The pre-game festivities were better than the game including a video that made me proud.
It was hot, and we were in the shade.
We are not that good of a football team.
The forward pass has not made it to College Station, yet.
It was my first triple overtime game, I think.
Really hot.
The concession stand staff cheered in exultation whenever one of the staff yelled "exact change."
I am not sure if I like or dislike the drum line leading the team out of the football complex toward the field.

Other things. We ate at Koppe Bridge on Friday evening, Whataburger for Saturday breakfast, and Rosas for Sunday lunch, but the best meal was at the home of Mike and Ingrid Huddleston on Saturday evening. Consistently good food, plenty of choices, and large portions available there.

Attended church at A&M Church of Christ, and I loved it because I love the people there. However, there excitement in seeing me was more than cut in half, considerably diminished, when I told them that Leslie was not with me. According to one, she is the "rock star."

Caleb and I left this afternoon at about 3:30 for our return trip stopping only for gas and kolaches at the Czech Stop in West for Apricot, Apple, and Peach filled ones.

Again, as so many times before, we stayed at the home of Barry Jackson - a true, abiding friend.


Blogger Krista said...

Hey Brian,
I know these times with Caleb must be great.
I thought about ya'll during that long game. We didn't start watching until the first overtime and it still seemed to go on forever!

7:20 AM  

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