Observations at the close of summer.
On vacations, those traveling should eat only in local restaurants. No chains.
The "continental breakfast" phenomenon is strange to me, but I take advantage of it when available. I do not, however, choose a motel based on the availability of it. Most often, I choose a hotel based on price, pool, proximity to where I am headed come morning and proximity to Sonic (For Leslie) in that order. Cleanliness is assumed but the lack thereof or a smoking room advertised as non-smoking one will make me balk on the deal.
Stay off major roads. Interstates are antiseptic, mundane, filled with people in a hurry, "nice", and lukewarm.
Whenever I see country roads, park roads, dirt roads, I have to force myself not to travel them. I want to see what great places they lead to.
A 6-year old should grow his hair long in the summer.
Fall is tingly. Fall is great at a school.
Whenever I visit another place, I imagine living there and all of the wonderful things that can be experienced only there.
I will go to Lost Maples State Park this fall.
I am not kidding. I want to be a park ranger.
Outlet Malls are terrorist attacks.
I like people who do things though most think it stupid. Carhenge, for example, a place near Alliance, Nebraska, where a man stuck cars in the ground modeled after Stonehenge. See picture.
Don't pass up the opportunity to go to church when on vacation. We love visiting churches on Sunday when traveling. We plan around it. We have great memories of churches in San Luis Obispo, Pagosa Springs, some little town in Arkansas, Fort Davis, Ruidoso, some town in Nebraska near Offult Air Force Base, Savannah, and Covington. Just as much, though, we love having church with just the five of us gathered.
I think Christians should leave hotel rooms nicer when they leave. Stack the towels. Flush the toilet. Put trash away. Make it as easy as we can for the maid.
Alan Jackson's CD called "Precious Memories" was enjoyed by us this summer. Track 7 - "Are You Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb" was our favorite. We played it on the Alpine Loop in a rented 4X4 jeep. Track 7 sparked conversation about garments that are spotless and white as snow.
Riding in a boat in the summer at the close of day on calm water with a tinge of sunburn and a meal of pork chops, green beans, garlic bread, homemade ice cream, peach cobbler and Diet Coke waiting for you back at the house is a good thing.
Sea World with one child at a time so that he gets all of the attention is a good thing.
Singing "Abide With Me" with extended family as the sun sets over Possum Kingdom Lake out of song books is a good thing.